yo pros at a networking event

Unite and Amplify: Strength in Numbers

Embrace the power of real-world interactions. Connect with like-minded peers, exchange ideas, and build a strong professional network within our inclusive community. Together, we leverage our collective strengths to make a lasting impact.
a picture of rachel volunteering, painting a swingset

Unlock Your Leadership Potential

Seize boundless leadership opportunities within our organization. Whether you excel in marketing, finance, or any field, lead initiatives that resonate with your expertise. Take newfound leadership skills beyond our group and showcase your potential to your workplace managers.
learning how to paint a picture at a paint and sip event

Learn from Diverse Perspectives

You’ll find a platform to learn and grow beyond your primary profession. Engage in workshops and activities, tapping into the wealth of knowledge shared by your peers. Expand your horizons and hone valuable skills.
a person getting their picture taken

Ignite Inspiration and Innovation

Break free from the monotony of the office grind. Meet with driven young professionals to exchange ideas, tackle challenges, and fuel your inspiration. Be part of a supportive community that nurtures your career and fosters innovation.
brandon accepting an award from gene from the salvation army

Forge Lifelong Friendships

In a world where meaningful connections matter, discover a network of friends who share your aspirations. Whether you’re in a new city or a different career phase, join us to form lasting bonds with like-minded change-makers.
member pinning event featuring dan and tony

Stay Motivated to Achieve Your Goals

Hancock & Brooke Young Professionals provides the motivation you need to reach your personal, professional, and community objectives. Surround yourself with ambitious individuals dedicated to growth, networking, community service, and friendship.
pictured are the founders of hancock and brooke young professionals

Tap into a Wealth of Knowledge

Gain access to our expanding resource library filled with presentations and insights from accomplished speakers. Benefit from the wisdom of seasoned experts, empowering you to excel in various aspects of professionalism.
jason handing out valentines day cards to the elderly

Lead and Serve Your Community

Empowered by the skills acquired through our group, step up as a leader within your local civic community. Make a meaningful difference and contribute to the betterment of our region.

Join us!

Join Hancock & Brooke Young Professionals today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and leadership. Together, we thrive, shaping a brighter future for ourselves and our community.

Frequently asked questions

What age does HBYP consider to be a young professional?

HBYP has no age limit. The only requirement is that you must be 18 years or older to join. Whether you are fresh out of college looking to make connections or a more seasoned professional with a rolodex a mile long, we welcome you to join us. At HBYP, we believe in an all-inclusive, industry diverse organization.

What are the requirements to join HBYP?

We have one requirement and it's pretty simple, you must either live or work in either Hancock or Brooke County, West Virginia.

How do I make the most of my membership?

Attend events and begin to develop meaningful relationships with other members. Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles by serving on committees or applying to be a committee chair or serve on the board of directors.

What is the cost of membership?

Attend events and begin to develop meaningful relationships with other members. Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles by serving on committees or applying to be a committee chair or serve on the board of directors.

How do I get involved in a Committee?

Reach out to get the next meeting dates! Both Full Members and Provisional Members can join a committee anytime of the year.

I am interested in a Board Position within the organization. What Should I do?

The members of our Board of Directors are elected for three year terms beginning in January each year.

What if I am an employer looking to help my employees with their professional development?

We love working with our local businesses and appreciate you taking the steps to invest in the next generation of community leaders!